Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This week I want to share some of the many pictures I have taken recently, and the stories that go along with them. Here’s a start, with some photos from the preschool: Here's a look at how the kids and I spend much of our time at the preschool- tickling and teasing Josh. And don't think for one second that he doesn't love every minute of it :) We don't usually know what the kids are saying, because they speak Khoekhoe (the Nama language), but these girls remind me of the old ladies that sit at the salon, reading magazines and sharing the local gossip news. Among his many talents, Joshua is also an excellent jungle gym, which is helpful and popular when the school has no equipment. Yep, this is how we stay in shape. The kids grow, so you just naturally lift more weight over time. I think personal trainers would approve. Some of the kids and us, photographed by our lovely and talented teammate, Kitty.
I thought I would leave you with a short clip of chase ("tag"), which in this situation just means "run around after Josh." Yeah, preschool here is a little different.


Kelly @ Love Well said...

Oh, I don't know. That doesn't look all that different than a life with the preschool set here at my house. And if you'll stretch your brains and remember, I think you'll recall that my children taught you most of those skills -- especially the jungle gym part. (I'm especially exhausted tonight from playing that role today by myself. That baby bump is starting to get in the way.)

We look forward to more pictures!

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