Women’s Night (4/18/09)
On Saturday, we had our “Women’s Night,” which we had been planning for a few weeks. It was for the high school girls in our Rehoboth High School (RHS) Bible study group, as well as for the girls on the worship team at the church. I have included some pictures of the girls playing ice-breakers, specifically human tic-tac-toe. In fact, their enthusiasm was so incredible that I decided only video could accurately depict the atmosphere, so enjoy their excitement!
While 15-17 year old girls would rarely be this excited (after the 20th turn) about such a simple game, our girls are different. RHS girls live in a hostel at the school (basically boarding school), because they grew up on rural farms and come to Rehoboth for a better education. They don’t get a chance to do much in the way of entertainment, and they were SO EXCITED to come to women’s night. The fact that we watched High School Musical 3 and had brownies and ice cream and popcorn was icing on the cake.
*I had never seen anything in the HSM series. It is from the Disney channel, and therefore is cute, clean, and sugary-sweet. Apparently they want you to watch them in order, because watching the 3rd without the first two left many holes. Go figure…
*Brownies are not a common dessert here. Come to think of it, it doesn’t seem dessert is all that common in general (it‘s something I am oh-so-excited to share). And ice cream? Well, it’s… different. I know, I know; it’s a foreign country, so what did I expect? But it’s just different in a way I am not sure how to communicate. I have considered making homemade ice cream, like in a zip-loc or coffee can…if you have a good recipe, please pass it on. *Josh and Lantz (our host brother) helped me make and bag the popcorn for 45 people. Then, Stephen came over and they had a “boys night”- they ate junk food like bacon-flavored crackers (gag!) and watched guy movies. Luckily, Josh and I sleep on 2 twin beds shoved together (that can be separated), or Josh was worried he’d end up cuddling Stephen : )
*Incidentally, we were recently reminded that popcorn is a whole grain. A whole grain! In a world of meat, white pasta, and white rice, this is exciting news. It will now compose a large part of our diet.
Back to Women’s Night…
The purpose of our night was not snacks or games or even High School Musical; it was about discussing purity and relationships and godly femininity. Britt gave a brief but wonderful message on purity, and then we had a question and answer session in which Britt, Kristin, Mackenzie, and I were panelists. The girls put anonymous questions in a bucket, and we ended up with far more than we could answer. Thankfully, most of the girls are from RHS Bible study, so I kept the unanswered questions and will be addressing them at future meetings. You’re prayers would be greatly appreciated in this, as it can be difficult to maintain appropriate cultural sensitivity, while still speaking truth.
one of the best nights there...ahhh. Thanks for all your posts. I agree, better late than never. I love reading them! I am lost in the world of Rehoboth right now, not sitting in my cube at work. Oh how I long to be there for even just an afternoon to hug and love and listen and laugh.
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